Emerson Park Academy

Endeavour, Persevere, Achieve

PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)

Personal Social and Health Education is taught in the summer term via Cultural Studies and during form time throughout the year. Topics are also addressed during assemblies and drop down sessions.  

Topics covered are:

Relationships and Sex Education, Use of Social Media, Bullying, Drugs Education, Financial Education, Careers Education and Personal Identity.

Year 11 PSHE Drop Down Sessions

March 2022

Religious Education - 'Why it is important to understand religion' and 'Religious views on death and the afterlife.'

April 2022

Relationships and Sex Education: Each pupil in Year 11 will attend a reminder session as part of their Relationships and Sex Education. The 4 topics are: Healthy Relationships, Healthy Bodies, Contraception, Sexually Transmitted Infections.

Year 10 PSHE Drop Down Sessions

March 2022

Religious Education - 'Why it is important to understand religion' and 'Religious views on death and the afterlife.'

April 2022

Relationships and Sex Education: Each pupil in Year 10 will attend a reminder session as part of their Relationships and Sex Education. The 4 topics are: Healthy Relationships, Healthy Bodies, Contraception, Sexually Transmitted Infections.

July 2022

Careers Education: World of Work Day - including a practical session on applying for a job and being interviewed.

Careers Education: Enterprise Day - creating a business plan 'Apprentice Style'.


Year 7, 8, 9 PSHE Drop Down Sessions

July 2022

Relationships and Sex Education: Question and Answer - session. All pupils are given the opportunity to ask anonymous questions about issues to do with relationships and sex. They will then attend a Zoom session whereby all of their questions are answered.