Emerson Park Academy

Endeavour, Persevere, Achieve

Sports News

 Congratulations to:

- Year 11 Netball team are now Havering Champions and they compete in the Havering Rallies next week.

- Joel Ajayi, Year 11 – he won gold for the 60m sprint at the South of England Championships last month and at Sheffield last week ran in 6.82 seconds and achieved 2nd best in the country for under 17's

- Lucie Guirey won Gold in Thai Boxing in Bangkok Thailand beating two Canadian competitors. This is an annual event and next year’s competition is in Verona, Italy. July 2024 updates, Lucie is now 2 x WBC Gold Medalist at World Championships. Beating Canadian Flannery in the Final at Lumpini Stadium - Bangkok Feb 2024