Latest News
- 19/07/22
British Sign Language group
The idea of senior prefect, Lacie P, the sign language class has been an overwhelming success. Fifteen pupils began the journey of learning British Sign-language at Level One in January of this year. Meeting with representatives of Positive Signs, an Upminster based teaching school...Read Full Story - 18/07/22
Year 9 Enterprise Day
Year 9 Enterprise Day is underway. The task is to design a healthy eating breakfast cereal. Luckily the hall is very cool.Read Full Story - 13/07/22
Science Club
The finale of science club saw pupils tasked with designing and launching air pressure rockets. Students had to consider the aerodynamic design of their rockets to produce streamlined shapes, whilst keeping the weight down for maximum lift off.Read Full Story - 06/07/22
The strange science of OObleck
The strange science of OObleck Science club continues to be a huge success with KS3 and the fun continued when we made Oobleck- a mixture of cornflour and water which is sometimes a solid and sometimes a liquid. Students first made their own in the lab before crossing the paddling pool witho...Read Full Story
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